Contact particulars
Head of business: WAYNE JOHN BOOYSEN
Information officer: WAYNE BOOYSEN
Postal address: P O BOX 74712, LYNNWOOD RIDGE, PRETORIA, 0040
Physical address: 314 THE HILLSIDE ROAD, LYNNWOOD, PRETORIA, 0081
Telephone number: 012-3481116
Fax number: 012-3482020
E-mail address: wayne@bethesda.co.za
Website: www.bethesda.co.za
The nature of the business of the company is that of Information and networking technology, importing and exporting of computer equipment and components.
Guide in terms of section 10 of The Act
Any person who wishes to exercise any right contemplated in The Act may obtain a copy of the information guide issued by the Human Rights Commission in all official languages, from the Human Rights Commission, tel (011) 484-8300, fax (011) 484-7149.
Facilitation of a request for access to information
Information which is not readily available as indicated in this manual, may be requested in accordance with the procedure prescribed in terms of the Act. Copies of the prescribed forms to be completed for submitting a request, are available from BETHESDA COMPUTERS (PTY) LTD.
Information available in terms of other legislation
Information is available in terms of certain provisions of the following legislation:
5.1 Basic Conditions of Employment Act 75 of 1997
5.2 Companies Act 61 of 1973
5.3 Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Health Diseases Act 130 of 1993
5.4 Customs and Excise Act 91 of 1964
5.5 Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002
5.6 Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998
5.7 Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 of 2001
5.8 Income Tax Act 58 of 1962
5.9 Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995
5.10 Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993
5.11 Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998
5.12 Promotion of Access to Information Act 2 of 2000
5.13 Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000
5.14 Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act 4 of 2002
5.15 Regional Services Councils Act 109 of 1985
5.16 Skills Development Levies Act 9 of 1999
5.17 Skills Development Act 97 of 1998
5.18 Unemployment Insurance Act 30 of 1966
5.19 Value Added Tax Act 89 of 1991
Information automatically available
The following categories of records are automatically available for inspection, purchase or photocopying:
6.1 Pricelists
6.2 Marketing and promotional material
6.3 www.bethesda.co.za Website
Information available in terms of The Act
The subjects on which the business holds records and the categories on each subject are as listed below. Please note that a requestor is not automatically allowed access to these records and that access to them may or must be refused in accordance with section 62 to 69 of The Act.
7.1 Accounting records
7.1.1 Annual financial statements and working papers
7.1.2 General ledger
7.1.3 Subsidiary ledgers (receivables, payables, etc.)
7.1.4 Bank statements, cheque books, cheques
7.1.5 Customer and supplier statements and invoices
7.1.6 Deposit slips
7.1.7 Cash books and petty cash books
7.1.8 Fixed asset register
7.1.9 Tax returns and assessments
7.1.10 VAT returns
7.1.11 Budgets and business plans
7.1.12 Insurance records
7.1.13 Auditor's reports
7.1.14 Inventory records
7.2 Fixed Property
7.2.1 Building plans
7.2.2 Title deeds
7.3 Information Technology
7.3.1 Hardware
7.3.2 Internet
7.3.3 Licenses
7.3.4 Systems support, programming and development
7.3.5 LAN Installations
7.3.6 Operating systems
7.3.7 Software packages
7.3.8 Telephone exchange equipment
7.3.9 Telephone lines, leased lines and data lines
7.4 Insurance
7.4.1 Claim records
7.4.2 Details of coverage, limits and insurers
7.4.3 Insurance policies
7.5 Legal, Agreements and Contracts
7.5.1 Agreements with contractors, suppliers and clients
7.5.2 Agreements with customers
7.5.3 Distributor, dealer or agency agreements
7.5.4 Warranty agreements
7.6 Personnel Records
7.6.1 Arbitration awards
7.6.2 Attendance register
7.6.3 Disciplinary records
7.6.4 Employee information records
7.6.5 Employee loans
7.6.6 Employment applications
7.6.7 Employment contracts
7.6.8 Expense accounts
7.6.9 Health and safety records
7.6.10 IRP 5 and IT 3 certificates
7.6.11 Letters of appointment
7.6.12 Leave applications
7.6.13 Maternity leave policy
7.6.14 Medical aid records
7.6.15 Organisational design
7.6.16 Payroll
7.6.17 Personnel file
7.6.18 Recruitment and appointments
7.6.19 Salary and wage registers
7.6.20 Salary slips and wage records
7.6.21 Staff records after employment
7.6.22 Time records
7.6.23 Training and development
7.6.24 UIF, PAYE and SDL returns
7.6.25 Workmen's Compensation documents
7.7 Statutory Company Records
7.7.1 Certificate of Change of Name
7.7.2 Certificate of Incorporation
7.7.3 Certificate to Commence Business
7.7.4 Dividend register
7.7.5 Index of Members
7.7.6 Memorandum and Articles of Association
7.7.7 Minutes of shareholders' meetings
7.7.8 Register of directors and officers
7.7.9 Register of directors' shareholding
7.7.10 Resolutions
Requesting procedures
A person who wants access to the records must complete the necessary request form, that is available at the offices of BETHESDA COMPUTERS (PTY) LTD, or can be accessed on www.sahrc.org.za. The completed request form must be sent to the address or fax number provided in this manual, and marked for the attention of the Information Officer.
Availability of the Manual
Copies of this manual are available for inspection, free of charge, at the offices of BETHESDA COMPUTERS (PTY) LTD, from the South African Human Rights Commission, from the Government Printer and at www.bethesda.co.za.